Friday, March 7, 2014

France in World War 1

World War 1 was a violent and bloody war that Europe was mainly involved in. In the beginning of the war, France was allied with the United Kingdom and Russia. The main reason why the war was started was because there were conflicts between the European powers. World War 1 began on July 28, 1914 when Austria-Hungary declared the war on Serbia. The conflict between the two countries soon spread to others such as France, Russia, Great Britain, and Germany due to the fact that they were involved in peace treaties with other nations.

During the war, France was allied against the Central Powers. Two days after Germany had declared war against Russia, they decided to declare war with France. Since both France and Russia were allies, Germany decided to perform a two-front war. Later that day, France decided to declare a war against Germany; they sent their troops to Alsace and Lorraine. On August 3, the German troops went to the neutral side of Belgium  in order to invade France.

After the war, France had to rebuild their society because the Germans had destroyed most of their country. France attempted to reconstruct themselves just in case Germany thought about attacking them again. The Battle of Verdun was what caused a lot of tensions between both France and Britain. France had lost a lot of their men in the war, thus reducing the population of males. Due to this issue, there was a shortage of labor workers; the results of World War 1 for France was not that great.


  1. France like all the other nations got hit hard when the first World War occurred because Germany had taken their men in the war and the resources as well.

  2. France was an ally of Russia due to their mutual beneficiary investments

  3. It seems unfair that France, along with other countries, were stuck being in WWI due to their peace treaties because all it resulted in was destruction.

  4. As marisa Stated it is very unfair that Germany piggy backed on Frances resources. This was probably one of the resins Germany lost.
