Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Journey through slavery pt 4

The overall message that Walker was trying to portray is that the slaves had more of a right living in America because they everything in order to keep things in place. The white people on the other hand, only told the slaves what to do rather than actually trying to do it themselves. Although whites would always talk about freedom for the slaves, they did not actually want that which makes them liars that they actually believe in that idea. William Lloyd Garrison further explained the sins in slavery in his newspaper called the Liberator. Garrison, along with other abolitionists, were brave souls because they were actually fighting for something that could get them killed.

Slavery was considered as a difficult issue to argue due to the fact that most representatives were for slavery. Slavery was claimed to be a major issue within America; however, 75 percent of the whites did not own slaves. But another issue was that there were up to two million slaves in the South because of all the economic they had endured. The people in the North had also depended on slavery due to the labor the slaves had to offer. During Andrew Jackson's presidency is when slavery began to expand as well because the Indians were being removed from their land. They were getting kicked out of their land due to the westward expansion that was occurring. The demand for more slaves and cotton during the time was a major conflict.

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