Thursday, December 19, 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Journey through slavery pt 4

The overall message that Walker was trying to portray is that the slaves had more of a right living in America because they everything in order to keep things in place. The white people on the other hand, only told the slaves what to do rather than actually trying to do it themselves. Although whites would always talk about freedom for the slaves, they did not actually want that which makes them liars that they actually believe in that idea. William Lloyd Garrison further explained the sins in slavery in his newspaper called the Liberator. Garrison, along with other abolitionists, were brave souls because they were actually fighting for something that could get them killed.

Slavery was considered as a difficult issue to argue due to the fact that most representatives were for slavery. Slavery was claimed to be a major issue within America; however, 75 percent of the whites did not own slaves. But another issue was that there were up to two million slaves in the South because of all the economic they had endured. The people in the North had also depended on slavery due to the labor the slaves had to offer. During Andrew Jackson's presidency is when slavery began to expand as well because the Indians were being removed from their land. They were getting kicked out of their land due to the westward expansion that was occurring. The demand for more slaves and cotton during the time was a major conflict.

Primary Source:

Journey through slavery pt. 3 - Brotherly Love

The Enlightenment was a movement in the eighteenth century that emphasized the idea of individualism and was based on advanced knowledge. However with the Enlightenment going on, so was slavery. Although all men were said to be equal, Americans thought otherwise. Slaves were not seen or treated as humans, which basically challenged the ideas of the Enlightenment. The white men made it nearly impossible for the slaves to follow through their movement, the Abolitionist Movement. This movement was based on the slaves attempting to end discrimination that they had, had enough of. Abolitionist ideas spread to the northern churches in the 1830s, which then ended up leading to the Civil War.
Due to the invention of cotton gin, there was a large request for slaves. Slave owners needed more
slaves in order to make more machines and engender revenue. Even thought these machines looked as if they were going to benefit the entire society, slavery was bound to expand westward. The nation was slowly but surely expanding, in both a good and bad way. The idea of slavery expanding is not a good one because it basically contradicts the ideas of the Enlightenment. Over time, the idea of slavery was becoming an extremely powerful one.

Primary Source:

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Battle of Fort Sumter

The Battle of Fort Sumter was the bombardment and the surrender of Fort Sumter located in Charleston County, South Carolina. This was the battle that started the Civil War, which lasted from April 12- April 14, 1861. The commander of the U.S. troops in Fort Sumter, Robert Johnson, had informed Abraham Lincoln that there was less than a six week supply of food at the fort. The Confederates attempted to call a truce between them and the Union; however, Lincoln rejected it. Lincoln's intentions was to provoke the Union to shoot the first shot so that they could seem at fault. General P.G.T. Beauregard was told by the Confederate government to demand for an immediate evacuation. Due to the fact that the supplies did not reach Fort Sumter on time, the Confederates shot their guns at 4:39 A.M. on April 12, 1861.The Battle of Fort Sumter is considered one of the bloodiest wars in American history. The Confederates came out with the victory in this battle. There were a total of fifteen casualties; 11 Union casualties and 4 Confederate casualties. It was a battle of the East, close by the Atlantic Ocean.

     General P.G.T. Beauregard

                                                                Robert Anderson

This battle is considered important because it was basically the first battle that led to the Civil War. After the Battle of Fort Sumter, several states seceded from the Union, which then gave the Confederacy 11 states in total. While Major Johnson was attempting to recruit troops from the northern states, the men who had fired the cannons at Fort Sumter were being admired and seen as heroes. This battle would then lead to four years of war. The Battle of Fort Sumter is one of the most important events in South Carolina and the United States as well.