Tuesday, November 19, 2013

19th Century Reformers

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson was born on May 25, 1803 in Boston. In 1832, he became a Transcendentalist leader who later wrote the essays "Self-Reliance" and "The American Soldier." He was both an essayist and a poet. Emerson wrote essay in order to express his ideas on transcendentalism, along with other figures. The very first article that he published was titled "Thoughts on the Religion of the Middle Ages" in 1822. Ralph Emerson was also known for giving lectures to people.


Author: The author of the excerpt is Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Place: Self-Reliance, the essay written by Emerson, was published in London in the year of 1844.

Prior Knowledge: He was a leader of the American Transcendentalist along with others. He was also an essayist and a poet.

Audience: The essay was directed to the people who believed in transcendentalism. 

Reason: Emerson wrote this piece in order for him to propose to the audience that being an independent individual is important, thus giving it the title "Self-Reliance."

T: Emerson wanted to be able to share his ideas on transcendentalism with his audience.

S: The significance of his essay was to not only express his ideas, but for his audience or the people in general to take action in what they are doing.

Sylvester Graham
Graham was born on July 5, 1794 in Connecticut. After becoming a minister, he became a part of the temperance movement. He believed in good dieting that involved eating an abundance of fruits and vegetables. Graham is best know for the invention of Graham crackers today. Due to the fact that he was ill, he began to be interested in nutrition. He also gave lectures to people based on his idea of what dieting meant to him.


A: The author that describes Graham's ethics of diet was Howard Williams.

P: It was published in the year of 1883.

P: Sylvester Graham was the one who discovered Graham flour; later discovering a type of diet.

A: This piece was intended for people who was into dieting.

R: To show people that there are different ways of dieting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

T: The main idea was to show how dieting was a major issue to Graham so he decided to invent a diet.

S: The significance to this writing piece is to show the importance of how dieting was a big thing back then like it is today.

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  1. Our Seminar from last Friday continues on the Class BLOG…Check out the link for more information…
