Friday, August 23, 2013

Connecticut Colony During the 1600s

Thomas Hooker was a Puritan & was also a colonial leader. He was the man who founded Connecticut in the year 1635. However, the colony was actually settled a year later in 1636. When the people first settled in, the population was 1,000. Thomas Hooker wanted to start a new colony and that's when he discovered Connecticut. The colony was named after an Indian word, "quonentacut", meaning long tidal river.
An important event that occurred was the Pequot War. The Pequot War lasted from 1636-1637. Even though it seems like a short amount of time, many Pequot Indians were killed. The war was fought between the English settlers and the Pequot Indians. The population of the Indians drastically decreased due to this war. New Haven became a part of Connecticut in 1660. Both John Daven and Theophilus Eaton were given the credit of discovering New Haven.
The people of Connecticut also created the Fundamental Orders in 1639. Many people believed that the Fundamental Orders would be similar to the U.S. Constitution. The majority of the people within the colony were Puritans and Congregationalist. John Winthrop was governor of Connecticut from the years of 1659-1675. The settlers were able to maintain wheat, corn, and fish because they lived close by the coast & the soil was fertile.


  1. Was he just a founder or an owner?

  2. Did he make any alliances with the natives?

  3. What was the purpose in forming Connecticut?

  4. About how many Indians were killed in the Pequot war?

  5. What was their economic basis, i other words how did the colony strive?

  6. What caused the Pequot War? Was it simply a rivalry between the settlers and the Natives?

  7. I've noticed the names of some places are derived from a Native tongue and written as pronounced by the Englishman.

  8. Estela you need to respond to the questions. The assignment calls for three paragraphs, which you have, however the sentences are simple as opposed to complex. You are also missing several aspects of the assignment:
    -Royal, Proprietary, Corporate
    -Ruling England

  9. Connecticut's economy is different from the southern colonies due to its use of the coast and river.
